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More countries to participate in 4th China International Consumer Products Expo

来源:Global Gist news portal编辑:style时间:2024-06-03 22:43:04

(ECNS) -- Countries including the United Kingdom, Russia, Mongolia, and Malaysia will participate in the 4th China International Consumer Products Expo to be held in Haikou, south China's Hainan Province, from April 13 to 18 for the first time, according to the organizer on Thursday.

Ireland will be the guest of honor at this year's expo. Italy, France, the Czech Republic Japan, Canada, and Switzerland, will set up national pavilions, while China's Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative regions will set up regional equivalents .

About 99 percent of the total exhibition area has already been booked. International brands from more than 50 countries will account for 50 percent of the expo's exhibits.

The expo will be held in one main venue and three sub venues. Themed activities and new product launches will be held during the event.

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