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Mitch Garver's home run in the 9th inning gives Mariners a 2

来源:Global Gist news portal编辑:entertainment时间:2024-06-03 20:11:20

SEATTLE (AP) — Mitch Garver hit a two-run game-ending homer in the ninth inning to give the Seattle Mariners a 2-1 win over the Atlanta Braves on Monday night in a game that was dominated by spectacular starting pitching.

The starting pitchers — Atlanta’s Max Fried and Seattle’s Bryce Miller — were the story for most of the game as each threw six no-hit innings. It was just the seventh time in the last 50 years that both teams carried a no-hitter into the seventh inning and the first since 2021.

But the night ended with Garver’s biggest swing to date with Seattle after struggling through the first month of the season, tossing his bat in front of home plate to celebrate the first career walkoff home run.

“That was pretty special for me,” Garver said. “And in a time where things aren’t going my way and I’m not feeling quite like myself, to be able to come through for the team in any way, shape or form is a huge W.”

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